"Water is the mother of the vine, the nurse and fountain of fecundity, the adorner and refresher of the world.” – Charles Mackay
Contact Modalities consciousness expanding events in Wisconsin feature very comfortable lakeside accommodations in a lovely setting cleansed by the water, protected by the trees and immersed in the wisdom of nature. Whether it is a large symposium or a small group, immersive retreat, we are here to assist in your journey. You may hear us use the word "spiritual" often, but please know that "Spiritual Path" is just another term for the "Way of Human Maturity". Whatever your motive, your growth and transformation is why we are here. We can discuss the unique aspects and benefits of our retreats in Wisconsin and answer any questions you may have. For those close to us in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota or the Chicagoland area, we are just a hop, skip and a jump away. For anyone else in the Midwest or elsewhere, the trip will be more than worth your while. Contact us today to learn more. Just being here on our site, the work has already begun. We are here to serve you.
The mission of our Contact Modalities Events is to raise the consciousness of our species and the planet,
one person at a time!
What People Are Saying
Thank you again and everyone for a magical few days. Love you all, and all the passion you put into these. Next year!!!
- WG 9/2024
I enjoyed absolutely everything! The group cohesion gets stronger each year. Thanks to Mel. She puts her heart and soul into this event.
-CL 9/2024
The opening Cacao ceremony was great. The closing Xhale session was tremendous, it was the coolest thing I have ever experienced. It was unexpected, unique and exciting. Debz' session was very good and educational. Kim was just indescribable!
-Anonymous 9/2024
Your place is magical! Thank all of you for an amazing, unique experience.
-Anonymous 9/2024
Heartfelt thanks to Debz, Melissa, Kimberly, Dan, Jeff and Artur for all your work and sharing your gifts. Wonderful programs and presentations, enjoyed each and every one. I found the last evening session very powerful, sending me back to a previous life.
- Anonymous 9/2024
You are all an inspiration to me, and my frequency has truly risen because of you. This will forever be in my heart. I can't wait to see you again!
-Anonymous 9/2024
The sessions were very engaging, wide audience but still small and cozy. Presentations were amazing!
-Anonymous 9/2024
A fantastic event… the cabins were nice and the area is absolutely beautiful…especially with the lake view. The lake is absolutely stunning and very peaceful. There was great balance between the group activities and giving people enough time to eat, relax and do their own thing as well. I really enjoyed my time there and hope to come back one of these days… thank you again for putting this on for everybody!
-Matt 9/12/23
I’m completely energized. 3 days later. Great event. Our realities have changed. In a good way. I’m discovering a whole new side of myself. It’s weird and exciting. And I’m very very grateful. Thank you so much!
Loved the breathwork, meditations, healing, etc... Loved hearing people's stories of their various experiences... Am appreciative of learning how to discern things better when skywatching as that is new for me...the presentations were great..... And glad to learn how to set up the handheld radios... Thankful to all of you, organizers, teachers, participants!
I just wanted to THANK YOU again for creating the opportunity for me to participate in the Big Arb event. I sincerely applaud your ability to organize such a fun and meaningful yearly event! And I truly loved hanging out with such a lovely group of like-minded people!! I miss the experience already. I only wish it were a tad longer!!
I’m really just blown away by this whole experience which hasn’t lost any momentum from this weekend. Thank you all for a truly unique and powerful and love filled gathering. It was really contact of all kinds from ETs and EDs to spirit and ascended masters to the human connection on our last evening together. I’ll cherish it always.
-Meniyka 9/1/23
It was an honor and wonderful pleasure to meet each and every one of you. You’re an exceptional group of people I wish I could surround myself with every day! Love and best wishes to you all until we meet again.
"Mel and Debz are wonderful people with big hearts and a lot of knowledge. I had a great experience and I can't wait to go back. I'm extremely thankful for the experience and the great service provided. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" -Tric 9/5/22
"I 100% recommend Cosmic Tree of Life. As a matter of fact I already did. There are simply no words to describe it. A life changing experience! The Liz that went in is definitely not the same Liz that came out of that retreat."
"David and Doug have a reverence for the ceremony and a compassion for helping people that is inspiring and beautiful. The wooded, lake side grounds for the retreat is ideal for connecting with nature and the cabins are so charming. I look forward to attending again." - Yan 8/8/22
"The retreat was fantastic! Accommodations were so comfortable and the ceremony much more than I expected...the spiritual leaders' obvious long time experience and care created a weekend that will never be forgotten."
...is simple. To raise the collective consciousness of humanity in an effort to save planet Earth and all of her inhabitants. By promoting the transformation and evolution for beings who seek enlightenment and healing, we can exponentially expand the unity consciousness of our world simply by helping one person at a time.
...to provide a safe, compassionate and loving space for people seeking enlightenment and healing by communion with the divine through sacred ceremonies, Human Initiated Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, Communication with Spirit, Breathwork, Kundalini Yoga, Quantum Immersion and Sound Therapy practices of ancestral consciousness.
...that humanity was given the ability to become united through love, understanding, and feel a greater sense of unity with all beings through various modalities, including the ceremonial and sacred use of natural plant medicines, Human Initiated Contact, Breathwork, Kundalini Yoga and group meditation practice. Our members are able to seek and receive answers or guidance to specific and ultimate life questions, are empowered to become more in-tune with mother nature, and learn how to respect and preserve the natural world, while encouraging others to do the same.
...shows that within the appropriate spiritual context, these modalities enhances our love and connection to everything, including the divinity that lies within us all. Our members leave our retreats with a heightened moral and ethical obligation to approach every situation in life from a place of peace, love and understanding. This not only has an extremely positive effect on the individual and their personal quest, but also on our society as a whole and generations to come.
For more information, please send an email to contactmodalitiesXPO@gmail.com. We will get back to you as soon as we are able!